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The Midlands Minority Business Accelerator (MMBA): The Midlands Minority Business Accelerator Program

For the past three years, the Columbia Chamber of Commerce has offered the Midlands Minority Business Accelerator program -- and applications for next year are already open.

Who should apply? The Midlands Minority Business Accelerator’s ideal candidates are those who meet the qualifications and are looking for sustainable growth in their business. This program is for those who will put the necessary effort into developing and implementing their Growth Plans, those who are committed, prepared, and eager to participate in peer learning, and those who understand the importance of working on strategic priorities.


  1. Must be a minority-owned business, defined as at least 51% owned operated, and controlled by individuals who are part of a racial, cultural, or ethnic minority group.

  2. Must be a small business that meets the minimum annual revenue requirements of $200k.

  3. Must have the equivalent of at least one full-time equivalent (FTE), beside the owner.

  4. Must be beyond the start-up phase and should be in operation for at least three years of the application date.

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